I’m still alive: Art exhibit prep


It was never my intention to be M.I.A on thisĀ blog or my facebook page, but it looks like that’s what happened for the past several months šŸ™‚ Even though my blog says otherwise, I am very much alive and creating! Right now,Ā I’m in the middle of preparing for an upcoming exhibit at the Kariton Art Gallery. It’s a dual show (exhibiting with another artist) scheduled to take place during the end of October/beginning of November. Currently I have completed seven of the ten paintings I will be submitting. I’ve tried to stay on top of getting paintings done so that it’s not a mad rush at the end….We’ll see if I stick to my plans ; )

The theme for my workĀ is the coastal landscape–inspired by my travels and experiences on both the west and east coasts of North America. Shortly, I will be going on a road trip with my oldest sister down to the north and central coast of California and then meeting up with the rest of my family on the Oregon coast. In addition to enjoying family time, I’m hoping to gather more inspiration for my last few paintings from these travels. We’ll see what those days hold!

On a different note, I have jumped into the foreign land of Instagram! My hope is that this will motivate me to document my adventuresĀ but also be more intentional in my creative endeavours. And let’s be honest…I finally upgraded my 7-year-old flip phone to a smart phone, so I’m actually able to take photos and access the internet with it. Welcome to the 21st century! : ) If you’re inclined to follow my work and travels, please do so here!
